Thursday, November 11, 2010

Update a.k.a. Rachel is making me look bad.

I keep reading all of Rachel and Kacey's updates and realized, yet again, I've been slacking on the blog. So here goes.

A couple of weeks ago Mark and I went to Tsali - a park in North Carolina. We had finally scoured the general area (3 states!) for a pop-up camper and found an EXCELLENT deal 2 weeks before. Mark had never been riding in Tsali ( a big mountain biking area) and I always love to tag along wherever for any random adventure.
The leaves were right smack in the middle of changing, so it was gorgeous. It was also FREEZING at night. We thought we would have power for the camper since we were staying in a park. Turns out they have everything except electricity...
(My camp version of brick oven pizza)

The following week we went to Pisgah - another park in North Carolina. But we knew it would be cold and primitive, so I packed more bedding! AND on top of it, Mr. Prince discovered that we could, in fact, run the heater off of the camper's battery, so we were warm and toasty while most people were Popsicles each morning. Were we really camping, you ask? With A/C, heat, stove, fridge... Yes. Yes we were. If I have to hike off for a potty break or skip a shower for 3 days - Yes. I am camping. And it was fabulous! I hiked off on my own during each trip. Waterfalls are everywhere in the area, so there's always something just around each bend in the trail.

I think I'll save the other updates for the next post. ;) See you soon, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! She's back! She's back! :)
    Love the camping stories and yes, you absolutely ARE camping. Sounds fantastic!
