Thursday, April 5, 2012

I think it's time for a shopping spree...

I hunted and hunted for some soft, cozy button down pjs to lounge around in while I recuperate.  I finally found some at Marshall's, bought them and stashed them in the drawer until I need them next week.  (Surgery is Wed the 11th!)  But as I sit here watching Days of Our Lives, I'm realizing that I can't spend 2 full weeks in the same pair of pj's...  I think it's time to hit the showers (I put in 4 miles this morning, after an early morning paddle) but have yet to rinse off the sweat.  (Ew.)  So here we go. Venturing out into the clothing world.  Fingers are crossed that I can find some button down/zippered? tops that are cute and I can continue to wear even after I can move my arms again.  It's gorgeous outside, so maybe it's a top-down kinda day.  Then I'm off to pick up the rent and meet the hubby for some dinner.  Not too shabby of a day, if I do write so myself.  :)


  1. I like your day! It sounds quite pleasant. What size pj's do you wear? XS or S? And look at us with our blue blogs :)

  2. I scored another pair of pj's, a button down shirt and a tshirty shirt that has an elastic neck (sounds atrocious). Oh - also a blue peasanty top - but they left the ink staining You Stole This gizmo on it... I bought a small set of pj's, but am taking them back when I go get the gizmo removed, and getting a medium. I need some space for the girls and the drains and the bandages and swelling, oh my!
    When I'm looking for something specific I can never find it, but I seem to have hit the right store. Thanks to Mark's mom for sending me to JC Penny's! I never shop there, and it turned out to have several things that would work. ♥
