Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Playing the Gene Game

How did I forget to update on this?!?  I got my genetic test results back - the initial BRCA 1 and 2 results, that is.  Still waiting on the BART.

You should see my family tree.  There is SO MUCH cancer.  (Not to mention other weirdness going on that most of you know about but I won't discuss here... You should've seen the genetic counselors face when she looked down at my loopy tree!)  But it's all different kinds of cancer.

My results were negative.  Yay/boo?  I'm glad they were negative, as that means I don't have a crazy high risk of ovarian cancer (well, still need the BART results to be sure - it's a more specialized test).  That means no ovarian removal surgery.  Woo hoo!  I personally think I'll have reached my yearly quota on surgeries as soon as I finish with The Girls.  But clearly there is something going on with our family.  They just haven't narrowed down that gene yet.  One day, maybe they will.  Won't that be a cool day?  You know what will be an even cooler day?  When they figure out what causes cancer in the first place and how to cure it.  Technically, I guess they kinda have.  If you catch it early you can get rid of it - as illustrated by ME over the past 4 months :)  But anyway - if they knew what gene it was then ALL of my crazy sisters/cousins/nieces/brother/nephews etc could be tested for that single gene.  While they wouldn't be out of the woods, it would be a much less scary trek through said woods.

Off to clean my house with chemical free cleaners I'm slowly converting over to in order to reduce my exposure to potential carcinogens...


  1. Yay! Did I ever tell you you're my heeeerrroooooo... Fer real, you are fabulous. xoxo

  2. I agree with rock, Chica! :)
