Thursday, January 5, 2012

Couscous - It's what's for breakfast!

With everyone jumping on the New Year's Healthy Resolution bandwagon, I decided I'd share a bit with you guys about what I eat. I am constantly asked (especially by my family) how I stay in shape. Well, here's the big secret: I exercise and I am careful about what I eat. Crazy-easy. Am I perfect at it? Heck no. But I've found ways to move (yoga, walking, SUP) that I enjoy, and I incorporate these things into my daily life. As far as food goes, I am working to reduce processed foods - which means I cook frequently and use lots of fresh foods. That being said - my standard breakfast takes 10 minutes TOPS - and five of that is the food sitting in a bowl while I enjoy my coffee, walk the dogs or rush around getting ready for the gym, depending on the day.
That being said, I'm going to show you just how easy it is to make a healthy, filling breakfast in a flash! (seriously - it takes longer than 5 minutes to drive thru McDonald's.)

I had couscous in my pantry for quite a while, but wasn't sure what to do with it. I'd read the label and knew it was good for me, but so what?!? If you don't know how to use it, what good is it really? Then I headed over to Bulgaria to visit my sister. They are unable to find grits (a true southern staple, but not nearly as good for you) and replaced the grits with couscous. I was a bit skeptical at first, but after playing around with what to put in it, I found a combo that I LOVE.

Here's my recipe (nutrition stats will be at the bottom!)

  1. Boil water (I keep a tiny pot on my stove and heat it up while I'm making my coffee)
  2. Put 1/4 cup dry couscous into a cereal bowl (I, of course, use the bowl I got in BG)
  3. When water comes to a boil, pour over couscous until you have about 1/4" of water covering grain. (you might have to play with the water amounts a bit to make sure it's not too dry or too wet)
  4. Use a small plate to cover bowl. It traps the moisture inside to cook the couscous.
  5. Cut up 1/3 to 1/2 of an avocado and place on the little plate.
  6. Cut up 1/2 - whole tomato and put on plate.
  7. Crumble 1/2 ounce reduced fat feta and - yep - put it on the plate.
  8. I also use a dash or two of Herbamare for extra seasoning -but don't get crazy, there's plenty of salt in the feta!
  9. After 5 minutes or so, pick up plate and dump the avo, tomato and feta in and stir.
That's it. Pretty simple and super tasty. A few more tips - I keep my avocado in the fridge and wrapped in plastic wrap. They tend to brown quickly - much like a banana or apple. If it grosses you out you can cut off a very thin layer to remove the brown. (Um, yeah. The brown stuff totally grosses me out.)

Nutrition Info!
1/4 cup dry couscous = 163 calories, 0 fat grams
1/3 avocado = 75 cal, 7 fat grams (that's why we need to watch the portions!)
1/2 medium tomato = 11 calories, 0 fat - feel free to add the WHOLE tomato!
1 oz reduced fat feta = 80 calories, 4 fat grams

Totals = 329 calories and 11 fat grams

*So what do these numbers MEAN? Well, we all need to know our personal calorie/fat goals per day. For my age, height/weight and activity levels I shoot for a 1500 (totally slacker day) to 2200 calorie day (gotta be teaching/taking classes, paddle boarding, etc on these days!) and 30-40 (less is better) fat grams per day. I generally shoot for around 1800 cal. And I try to get my fat from natural foods - veggies, nuts etc, as opposed to butter, greasy meats and so on.

Questions? Comments? Want to hear more info along these lines? I'm happy to share - just let me know if there's a demand for it! Happy Thursday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I recognize that meal! Looks fabulous and enticing, and (if its organic, like mine) its non-GMO, can't say that for Quaker.
