Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday in the park - and other great things about Basel.

So today is 80 here - sunny, slightly breezy, and just enough clouds to keep you from getting too hot. The best weather of the trip, so far. It's beautiful. So I packed a picnic and headed in what I believed to be the general direction of a large park that Mark and I passed about a week ago. Worst case, I would've ended up at some other park, they're everywhere.

I made it - it was full of kids, people paying fussball (soccer), badmitton, laying out in the sun. Even the occassional bathing suit. I'll remember that for next time!

Anyway - I spent a couple of hours laying in the sun, reading, eating and people watching.

I also got to thinking on my walk back that I haven't really posted much of Basel - so I'll attach a few photos and maybe some fun facts today.

This is the Rathaus - Basel's Town Hall (with Mark in front)

And here's Mark inside...
...and there are over 180 fountains here - all with drinkable water shooting out of them. I've had it several times. It's great. This has to be one of my very favorite fountains.

I'm sure you can see why she's my favorite.

Here are some shots of Marktplatz - it's usually jam packed, but not at 6pm on a Saturday apparently. People go to bed early here and get up early. (the Jungen (youth) come out to party around 8pm)

Yes, this is a tram headed directly for me...

I'll have to get some shots of this same platz when it's full (every other time I've been there.)

Mark and I went to the Basel Zoo last Sunday. It was pretty cool. They are in the middle of a longterm project to convert from the old-style, depressing, concrete pits to more natural habitats for the animals. The neat part is that, for the most part, they've just added the nature part to the concrete part, so the animals can come and go from outside to the airconditioned concrete inside.

This one's for you, Betherine - a baby hippo:

And it's parents, in a different exhibit:

Well, Mark's in it too. He's the cute one.
We also have taken several walks by the river. This day we actually took the little boat across from one side to the other.
That's the river, over to the right:

And here's another fountain - a Basilisk. They are the symbols/guardians of the city. They are all over - fountains, architechture, signs, you name it.

Mark, however, insists they are dragons. He is wrong. One day he will accept this. Perhaps even embrace it. Dragons DO NOT have chicken heads. Clearly, this is a basilisk.
Off to read some more about the Swiss culture. Trying to figure the folks out before it's time to go home!

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